Axel Klimek

Axel is a senior management consultant with high-level experience in Europe, Asia, and Africa, helping leaders, organizations and developmental programs manage complex change processes and improve performance. His clients have included the African Union Commission, Canon Europe, Ernst & Young, GTZ, Lufthansa, Unilever and T-Systems.  He has worked as an associate consultant for Bath Consultancy Group since 2000.

Axel focuses his practice on helping clients achieve sustainability through cultural change processes, innovation, co-operation, strategic planning, and change management. One of his main focus areas is how sustainability can be integrated into the value chain of an organisation and can become a habitual part of the perception, decision making process and actions of its leaders, managers and staff.

In addition to that Axel is also training leaders and change agents to become coaches for the people they are working with in order to create the targeted results and impacts.

With a professional background in psychotherapy, Axel also has exceptional professional coaching and group process skills. He is certified in the use of the ISIS Method and ISIS Accelerator tools for strategic sustainable development.

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