Clare Moody

Clare’s passion is to transform organisations and individuals for the benefit of planet Earth. She has had 15 years in Academia designing and running Sustainable Development and Environmental Management/Environmental Law courses, which have enabled her to see how our society needs to change for the future.

She has loved working with organisations, over the past 30 years, in Scandinavia, The Czech Republic, Poland, France, Germany, Italy, North America and New Zealand, to improve their environmental performance (sustainability), working with EMS, EHS auditing, LCA, Design for the Environment, EIA. She worked with the EU to define the implementation structure for new Environmental Regulations and to set up the certification process for international standards like ISO 14001. As a consultant, guide, trainer and facilitator, Clare supports people in their roles in their businesses, in academia and in their own lives, to shift their world views and those of their colleagues, in the context of transforming the way that they operate for the betterment of planet Earth and themselves.

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