Dear Colleague

This newsletter has been timed to coincide with the release of our newly redesigned website. The site � � now includes a wealth of new resources, case studies and web-links, as well as relevant news and information about upcoming events. We will be updating the site regularly and hope that it will provide ongoing support in your work. Comments and suggestions are always welcome and can be sent to:

The last quarter has been a very busy and exciting time for Bath Consultancy Group. In addition to working with a wide variety of organisations, we have been running a host of popular workshops ranging from the Organisation Workshop, created by Barry Oshry, to our Coaching Supervision programme. You�ll find more information about the innovative Oshry workshops below.

Among the other articles we�ve included is an informal and fun interview with one of our consultants, Sue Pritchard; an article about the importance of transition support during the first 100 days in a new job; and more information about the books and resources that BCG continues to produce. We hope you enjoy these and our other offerings.

The next edition of this newsletter is due out in September 2006. If you have any colleagues who you feel would be interested in receiving a copy to the Bath office and we will be delighted to add them to our growing mailing list.

Best Regards, have a great summer, Peter Hawkins, Fiona Ellis & Lesley Bees
(Bath Consultancy Group Newsletter Editorial Team)

Oshry Open Organisation Workshop

Bath Consultancy Group is excited about the rising levels of interest and informed discussion that Barry Oshry�s work is engendering now in the UK. We are keen to support his ideas on working with systemic patterns and partnership in organisations and contribute, where we can, to its further development. Bath Consultancy Group has a number of people currently certified as Organization Workshop (OW) and Merging Cultures workshop facilitators. We see our role as helping to support the broader community of Oshry practitioners, because of our belief in its importance for UK, multinational and global companies. Looking at the broader business picture, we are also keen that there is a sensibly priced market for such activity.

The Bath Consultancy Group business focus around the Oshry material is therefore not in competition with other UK providers of workshops, although we plan to run a number for our own corporate clients, as well as a few open workshops. Our real focus is in stimulating further OD and Change activity through the use of Oshry concepts in our broader client work. We would be keen to collaborate with other practitioners where they find such opportunities for further OD work, and where the scale of the opportunity requires a larger group for successful prosecution.

We were very pleased to welcome Barry and Karen back to the UK in October this year for various events, including an OW certification training course. We also sponsored an Organization Workshop run by Barry, for some of our key clients, as well as a development day with Barry and Karen for our associates and core staff.

The Road Less Travelled: Inquiring Into Followership As a Means of Developing Leadership Capability - Danny Chesterman

Have you ever felt we may be in danger of becoming habituated to exploring leadership through the eyes of the leader? Read more of Danny's article on this subject.
Download Article

Coaching Supervision

The next Foundation Course for the Certificate in Supervision of Coaches, Mentors and Consultants has been arranged for 22nd to 24 November. If you would like to book a place please contact the Bath Office on 01225 333737 or . Bath Consultancy Group have also been commissioned by CIPD to carry out research in coaching supervision, which will be published in November 2006. We are interested to hear from any organisations interested in the supervision of their internal or external coaches. Peter Hawkins.
Press Release

Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision and Development

This book, written by Peter Hawkins and Nick Smith will be published by the Open University Press, in December 2006. We are planning a launch party for early October - details will be announced shortly. Do contact if you would like to be invited to the launch or would like advance publicity on the book.



Transition Support - Fiona Ellis

We would like to introduce to you a new way we have been supporting senior leaders in key transitions in their careers, whether within the same organisation or into new ones. This combines a structured approach to reviewing strategy, culture and leadership, based on a series of workbooks which leaders can use to record their own impressions and reflections in the first few months, and insightful one to one transition coaching by an experienced coach. Download Article

Published by Bath Consultancy Group Ltd, Edgar House, 16-17 George Street, Bath, BA1 2EN.
Tel: +44 (0) 1225-333737 - Fax: +44 (0) 1225-333738
Copyright � 2006 Bath Consultancy Group. All rights reserved.

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