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Barry Oshry Workshops

We were very pleased to welcome Barry and Karen Oshry back to the UK in October this year for various events, including an Oshry Organisation Workshop certification training course. We sponsored a highly successful Organisation Workshop run by Barry, as well as a development day with Barry and Karen for our associates and core staff.

Bath Consultancy Group are excited with the rising levels of interest and informed discussion that Barry’s work is engendering now in the UK. We are keen to support his ideas and contribute, where we can, to its further development. Bath Consultancy Group has a number of people currently certified as Organisation Workshop and Merging Cultures Workshop facilitators. We see our role as helping to support the broader community of Oshry practitioners, because of our belief in its importance for UK, multinational and global companies. Looking at the broader business picture, we are also keen that there is a sensibly priced market for such activity.

The Bath Consultancy Group business focus around the Oshry material is therefore not in competing with other UK providers of workshops, although we plan to run a number for our own corporate clients, as well as a few open workshops. Our real focus is in stimulating further OD and Change activity through the use of Oshry concepts in our broader client work. We would be keen on collaborating with other practitioners where they find such opportunities for further OD work, and where the scale of the opportunity requires a larger group for successful prosecution.

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