Associates and Partners around the World

Asia Pacific

We have built a consultancy network in the Asia Pacific region because it supports our aspiration to become the most influential and impactful Organisational Development and Culture Change community in the world.  Many of our clients need us to have global reach, use local people on local projects and stay carbon neutral and therefore we need a cadre of people who know our technologies, know the things we do and the way we do them, and have the skills to deliver for and with us in the region.


We have several partners in the USA, including Teleos Leadership Institute, that we involve in global projects such as leadership development, and high value relationship management programmes.

South America

South Africa

Bath Consultancy Group has a long standing relationship with YSA, Yudelowitz Shannon & Associates as partners in South Africa and have worked with several of the partners on leadership, culture change and HR transformation. Namely, Danela Ezekiel, who has been involved joint projects with Bath Consultancy Group in South Africa and elsewhere in Europe for over ten years. Danela has experience of individual, team and organisational development at all levels of management, within a range of sectors including financial, manufacturing, mining, IT, telecommunications and pharmaceuticals.

Danela is now a Director of YSA, a leading consultancy in the field of Leadership Development. YSA enjoys a reputation as facilitators of complex processes in the business arena, addressing a wide spectrum of leadership issues including power and conflict on a personal and professional level.


East Africa

Bath Consultancy Group is represented in East Africa by Origin Consulting. Clinton Lucy, a Director, formally part of BCG’s core team, is now based in Kenya. Working with Elizabeth Loker they serve BCG’s global clients in the Region and beyond.

Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
BCG Ltd, trading as Bath Consultancy Group, is a subsidiary of General Physics (UK) Ltd
Registered in England No.: 03328424, VAT Reg No.: GB 880 9813 85
Registered Office: Cleveland House, Sydney Road, Bath, BA2 6NR
A subsidiary of GP Strategies Corporation (NYSE:GPX)

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