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Group Supervision for Executive Coaches

19 - 21 October 2011, Bath 

Gil Schwenk and Nick Smith 

This three-day programme is specifically designed for the supervisors of executive coaches.  It is oriented towards group supervision of external independent coaches or groups of internal coaches working within an organisation.

Participants must complete the BCG Coaching Supervision Foundation prior to taking this module.

The module includes:

·     Marketing and selling group supervision to organisations and independent coaches.

·     Contracting with client organisationsfor group supervision. 

·     How to set up a supervision group: size, selection, logistics, content and evaluation.

·     Contracting with a group at the beginning that leads to successful outcomes.

·     Facilitating group supervision sessions.

·     Balancing individual, groupand supervision (task) needs.

·     Exploring group dynamics andhow they affect group supervision.

·     Using the seven eyed model ofsupervision in groups.

·     Methods to increaseparticipation and group effectiveness.

·     Lots of practice sessions withfeedback.

Gil Schwenk will run the course at Barrow Castle, Bath. Gil co-leads our coaching strategy and supervision capability. He is an executive coach, coach supervisor and trainer of coaching and supervision. He has a substantial coach supervision practice including individual, group and supervision of supervisors. 

The cost per participant for this two-day course will be £550.00 plus VAT (£450.00plus VAT if self funded).  

Please contact Fiona Benton at Bath Consultancy Group on 07833 722482 or This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it to secure a place on this workshop which has a limited number of places. 

Transformational Coaching Workshop

13 & 14 October 2011, Bath 

Professor Peter Hawkins and Nick Smith 

Transformational Coaching enables coachees to create fundamental shifts in the way they work, through transforming their way of thinking, feeling and behaving in relation toothers.  It is our contention that this is achieved through focusing on the shift that needs to happen live in the room, so that a sustained change takes place, beyond the coaching session.

Transformational Coaching sits at one end of a spectrum of coaching.  It focuses on helping clients transform how they think, feel and behave, when working on their issues, in such a way that they will also create a ‘knock-on shift’ inthe wider system of which they are part.

Transformational Coaching is distinguished by four key elements, which can be summarised as:


Shifting the Meaning Scheme:


The ability to help clients change their ‘meaning schemes’ (specific beliefs, attitudes and emotional reactions) during the coaching session, which leads to a ‘perspective transformation’ for the client.  Our Transformational Coaching model is based, in part, on the insights of Mezirow (1991) who clarified the processes by which adults learn and change their behaviours.


Working on Multiple Levels at the Same Time:


To effect change with the client, the coach needs to be able to work on multiple levels at the same time (that is, to attend to the physical, psychological, emotional and purposive elements and how they combine in the present situation).  The change in perspective has to be ‘embodied’ (i.e. the coachee needs to be able to think, feel and do differently) for it to be truly transformational.


Shift in the Room:


Transformational Coaching therefore focuses strongly on freeing the coachee’s ‘stuck’perspective within the session, live in the room.  The process, by which the coach helps the client experience an integrated transformation of perspective, is termed ‘creating shift in theroom’.  A method of first matching and then mismatching the coachee is used to create the transformational shift and use is made of the CLEAR model to achieve this.


Four Levels of Engagement:


The change in perspective comes through a change in the coachee’s assumptions,values and beliefs about the issue brought.  Transformational coaches use the ‘four levels of engagement’ model to map the connection of these assumptions to the feelings that drive the behaviours, that then generate the specific responses an executive is trying to modify.


This two day workshop will offer a chance for participants to work on developing these skills and exploring how this way of coaching might be useful in their current coaching practice. The workshop provides an invaluable opportunity for experienced coaches to increase the impact of their coaching. The course will be run at Barrow Castle, Bath, by Peter Hawkins and Nick Smith, the two leading practitioners in transformational coaching. The cost per participant for this two day course will be £450.00 plus VAT. 


We will illustrate and practice how Transformational Coaching focuses on creating a shift in the thinking, feelings and behaviour of the coachee at each stage of the CLEAR process (Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, and Review).  In doing so, we will also compare it to other types of coaching framework.


Please contact Fiona Benton at Bath Consultancy Group on 07833 722482 or
This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it  to secure a place on this workshop which has a limited number of places.


Coaching Supervision Programme Foundation course 

6th-8th July 2011, Bath   

Professor Peter Hawkins and Gill Schwenk   

The Foundation Course is a 3-day workshop and is the starting point for experienced coaches, mentors and consultants who want to develop a greater understanding and capability of supervision. The course can be taken as part of our Coaching Supervision Programme certificate or as a stand-alone course. The course will also introduce participants to the 7-eyed process model of supervision developed by Professor Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet in their book ‘Supervision in the Helping Professions’.

For more information contact Fiona Benton on   This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it  

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