
Andy 's Mighty Hike Part 2 Continued...

May 2017

Andy's Story

'What was truly great about being part of this event was the insight Macmillan gives you into their work, and demonstrating how the money raised really does go towards supporting people as they bravely battle illness. And it is due to this that I decided I had to tackle a hike again this year, but taking the next step up and attempting the Jurassic Coast hike – 24 miles of rugged terrain with steep climbs and precarious descents! Should be fun…….


GP Strategies colleagues and its associates we breathtakingly generous last year, making up over 80% of my sponsorship target – I couldn’t thank you all enough.

Our aim, as a team, is to beat our total of 2016!

So I am once again on the campaign trail, reaching out to all my family and friends asking if you could be as kind as to sponsor me for a challenge again – no matter how small, every little helps!'

Sponsor Andy's Hike



Tomorrow's Leadership: and The Necessary Revolution in Today's Leadership Development', presented by Prof. Peter Hawkins.

21st March 2017

An energising evening of insight and co-creating new perspectives, in the beautiful venue Royal Institution of Great Britain. Talking with friends old and new about the future of leadership and leadership development.

We live in a time of hyper-change which is both complex and unpredictable, where taken-for-granted ways of living and working are shifting. A new generation of leadership is emerging and our challenge is to develop current and future leaders to innovate, create and succeed. We need to rethink leadership development.

Professor Peter Hawkins, a founder of Bath Consultancy Group, has been leading this research, through Henley Business School, into the revolution in leadership development that this shifting dynamic requires.

Bath Consultancy Group are very active research partners in the work, and would like to thank our clients and partners for their valuable contributions. It has been a joy to work with you on this.


Coaching at Work Award- Best Thought Leadership Article

Congratulations to our founder Professor Peter Hawkins who won Best Thought Leadership Article at Coaching at Works Annual Conference 2015.

To view the article click here.

Authentic Leadership

Wednesday 22nd June 2016

Bath Consultancy Group’s new Authentic Leadership programme is designed for senior leaders who are committed to understanding their authentic self and how to transform this insight into action.

Register now!

Bath Consultancy Group’s new Authentic Leadership programme is designed for senior leaders who are committed to understanding their authentic self and how to transform this insight into action.

Leadership is more than a set of tools that can be brought out to engineer an outcome or fix a problem. Leadership which is authentic, sustainable and transformative always starts from within the leader. Many people aren’t aware that the choices they make derive from the inner dynamics that drive what they do and say. And that their internal experiences direct how they often take action, whether they know it or not.

Drawing on our most recent work, the programme enables leaders to be more deliberate with their leadership behaviour through deepening self-insight to:

  • Understand how they lead authentically within their system and context 

  • Understand the drivers behind their choices

  • See how their actions impact themselves and others  

  • Make better choices about how they respond to achieve better results

  • Direct their energy in a congruent and purposeful way

  • Drive transformation through all of their personal interactions

  • Participate in an in-depth diagnostic  - Life Path Insight - to identify personal behavioural patterns (optional)

In the last 18 months we have used this approach very successfully in companies in the UK, USA, India, Africa and across South East Asia. We have received great appreciation from clients for the impact we have had on individual leaders, teams and their organisations.  It has been used in leadership & talent programmes as well as with senior teams. 


Authentic Leadership

Location: Covent Garden, London Time: 22nd-23rd June (Day 1: 14.00-17.00 Day 2: 9.00 – 17.00)

Cost: £450.00 or £350 early bird rate (book before 30th April 2016)


Register now!

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