Optional Modules

Group Supervision for Executive Coaches

(Module Leaders: Gil Schwenk and Nick Smith)

The focus of this course is to use group processes to demonstrate and optimise the systemic aspects of supervision in order to accelerate transformation for each course participant as a supervisor, as a group and for each supervisor’s supervisees, their clients and their client organisations, with an emphasis on techniques to nurture group participation.

  • Marketing and selling group supervision to organisations and independent coaches
  • Contracting with client organisations for group supervision
  • How to set up a supervision group: size, selection, logistics, content and evaluation
  • Contracting with a group at the beginning that leads to successful outcomes
  • Facilitating group supervision sessions
  • Balancing individual, group and supervision (task) needs
  • Exploring group dynamics and how they affect group supervision
  • Using the seven-eyed model of supervision in groups
  • Methods to increase participation and group effectiveness

Supervising with the Team and Organisation in Mind

(Module Leader: Professor Peter Hawkins)

This course focuses on how to do systemic supervision so that we focus on the needs of the team, the organisation and the organisation’s stakeholders as well as the coach and their individual clients.

It includes how to supervise team coaching and work with the wider organisation.

  • Understanding teams, team coaching, team stages, aspects of team development
  • Supervising teams and team coaching – including participation in a systemic team sculpt
  • Understanding organisation culture and change and supervising organisational coaching and consultancy - including work in small groups supervising organisational aspects of the supervisee’s role
  • Creating a coaching culture and effective coaching strategy in organisations
  • Thinking systemically
  • The psychology of groups and teams
  • Practical supervision work in small groups

Transcultural Supervision: Working With Bias and Power

(Module Leader: Judy Ryde)

Developing effective intercultural awareness starts with looking in the mirror.

Working in Transcultural Coaching Supervision takes much more than a simple view or understanding of other cultures. For instance, if you are an experienced coaching professional who is white or in some other powerful cultural grouping, and working with multicultural executive teams and coaches, this module will challenge your perspective and explore your own racial and cultural identity. Whatever cultural groups you belong to, by exploring and discovering your own bias and assumptions you will be better equipped to tackle the powers that are at play within multicultural coaching interventions and teams. This course explores working with cultural difference in a new way that not only raises awareness  of race but also gender, class and sexuality issues and offers practical approaches to developing more positive intercultural coaching and working relationships. This is very different from the usual way of considering ‘difference’ where we focus on the different ‘other’.

The module is led by Judy Ryde, author of Being White in the Helping Professionals. In her work, Judy facilitates some often uncomfortable issues and truths that are regularly avoided for fear of accusations around racism and prejudice. Based on her research, Judy seeks to challenge the current state of play on how we view cultural differences and believes we can only truly start to have effective intercultural awareness by looking within ourselves and our own racial and cultural identities and what that actually means.

Course Dates

17-19 June 2015 - Group Supervision for Executive Coaches

30 September- 2 October 2015 - Supervision with the Team and Organisation in Mind

4-6 November 2015 - Transcultural Supervision: Working with Bias and Power

16-18 March 2016 - Transcultural Supervision: Working with Bias and Power

15-17 June 2016 - Supervision with the Team and Organisation in Mind

25-27 October 2016 - Group Supervision for Executive Coaches


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