Talent Development

Growing the future leaders of the organisation has become a strategic agenda item for most CEO’s and Boards. The challenges for leaders are increasing and in flattened organisations, growing through rapid change there is reduced scope to develop people through a steady progression of roles. The approach to talent development needs to be nimble and flexible, developing the capacity to learn and change as much as core leadership strengths.

Bath Consultancy Group will:

  • Work with your talent specialists and senior team to generate a talent strategy and processes for your business; not a generic tool or approach
  • Challenge some of the assumptions in the business about where talent is now and where future talent may be found; too often businesses narrow their options
  • Make best use of frameworks and tools to enable people to understand their development priorities against the strategic context
  • Design and deliver a wide range of development solutions that will enable you to accelerate the growth of your talent to meet current and future leadership challenges. This may involve action learning, discovery learning, working on strategic projects, coaching as well as structured programmes
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