Team 360

Teamwork is essential to get things done in a complex world…

We can quickly highlight development areas for your teams based on feedback from within and from their key stakeholders.   This facilitates effective team interventions that really shift performance

All top teams need to take a lead in their organisation, to add value for their customers and shareholders, to develop their employees and make a difference in the communities they serve.  It is widely recognised that high performing teams will exceed the sum of its members’ individual contributions. It is also recognised that feedback from those we work with and serve is one of the most effective tools for raising performance. Yet feedback is usually given only to individual team members, rather than considering the team as a whole.

We have addressed this by developing a feedback tool aimed specifically at the whole team.  TEAM 360 is based on our leadership team framework, which considers all aspects of a team’s performance.  It draws on the extensive research and literature about teams and includes our own research and insights from working with teams, groups and organisations in all sectors across the globe.  

TEAM 360 is an invaluable tool in the process for developing and coaching teams.  The instrument generates a simple, visual report which provides valuable insights on how the team sees itself and how it is seen by its key stakeholders, within and beyond the organisation.

How we use the TEAM 360 insights

  • To inform Team Coaching, where we combine our experience of working with teams and our leading-edge practice of Transformational Coaching
  • As input for a diagnostic workshop, linking it to team performance data and facilitating a creative discussion around the focus of team development through time
  • To help a team understand and change the way it works with key stakeholders including customers, employees and suppliers
  • As one measure for the impact of a change intervention to truly shift team performance

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