Barry Oshry, leading American thinker, delivers The Organisation Workshop in rare UK visit

Embodied Leadership & Systems Thinking Workshop

19 - 20 March 2008
A unique workshop to connect the power of two streams of leading edge practice which are rarely brought together - Systems Thinking & Embodied Leadership. The workshop, held to great acclaim for the first time in the UK last year, is an exciting fusion between the work of two of North America's pioneering teachers on leadership - Wendy Palmer and Barry Oshry.

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September 2006
he Organisation Workshop: Creating Partnership, hosted by Bath Consultancy Group, is a rare opportunity to work with Barry Oshry, one of the world's leading thinkers on human systems and organisations. He will be hosting the workshop on the 4 October 2006 in London.


The Organisation Workshop gets to the heart of partnership in organisation life - why partnership is critical to organisational success, what gets in the way of its development and the role of leaders in making it happen.

 The centrepiece of this dynamic leadership development program is an organisation exercise in which participants find themselves in roles as top executives, middle managers, workers and customers interacting in a fast-paced environment. This visceral approach enables participants to experience in their guts - not just their head - the issues and dilemmas that individuals are facing in an organisation.

In combination with these engaging, high-energy activities, there are practical strategic frameworks based on the work of Barry Oshry. These frameworks help participants make sense of what they're learning and enable them to connect to experiences in their own organisations. The application activities help keep the lessons alive once participants are back at work.

For further information on The Organisation Workshop call Bath Consultancy Group on 01225 333 737 or email This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it


For further media information or interviews please contact Veronica Hannon at Beyond Public Relations on 077 52875285 or at This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

Barry Oshry is a seminal thinker in the area of human systems theory. For the past 35 years he has been an educator in the field of Leadership and Organizational Development. He is president of Power + Systems, Inc . of Boston; he is the developer of "Power Lab" (a total immersion three-class societal simulation) that has been the subject of the award-winning documentary: "Power Lab: Living In New Hope." He is the author of numerous books and articles in the field including "Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizational Life" and "Leading Systems: Lessons From The Power Lab".

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