CIPD publishes change agenda on Coaching Supervision

The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development has published its report on ‘Coaching Supervision: Maximising the Potential of Coaching’. The report was compiled following research conducted by Bath Consultancy Group. The initial findings were first publicised at the CIPD Annual Coaching Conference where Dr Peter Hawkins and Gil Schwenk led the opening address. 

Supervision of coaches is a hot topic amongst coaches and HR practitioners responsible for buying and managing coaching in organisations. It is an important method of providing quality assurance and enabling organisations to realise a return on investment in coaching. 

To identify best practice in this rapidly evolving field, the CIPD commissioned Bath Consultancy Group to deliver a multi-strand research project on the use of coaching supervision. Peter Hawkins and Gil Schwenk presented the output of this research as the keynote presentation to over 200 organisers of coaching and coaches at the CIPD Coaching at Work Conference on 12 September 2006.

‘Coaching Supervision: Maximising the Potential of Coaching' report includes:

  • an overview of what coaching supervision is and why it matters
  • a summary of the current state of supervision in the UK
  • guidance on good practice.

The text is illustrated by case studies showing how very different organisations are using coaching supervision to support their coaching services.

The report is available free of charge and can be downloaded from the CPID website.


For further media information or interviews please contact Veronica Hannon at Beyond Public Relations on 077 52875285 or at This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

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