Learning Transformation Seminar

Wednesday 13th October 2010 - 6pm to 8pm

Hosted by Cancer UK

Location: 61 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PX 

Bath Consultancy Group are holding this seminar for our network of senior L&D and HR directors who are reviewing costs and efficiency in L&D.

What is Learning Transformation?

Learning and development in the private and public sectors is being scrutinised and asked to demonstrate increased efficiency and effectiveness. This has led to a raft of learning functions undergoing asystematic change programme, and the coining of the phrase – Learning Transformation.

So what does a Learning transformation include:

  • A different learning model?
  • A reduction in learning spend?
  • The introduction of a single Learning Management System?
  • New learning capabilities and a completely new learning team?
  • Everything offshore or outsourced?

It can be any or all of the above. So what is right for you and your organisation?

Why not come along to Learning Transformation Seminar and join the debate. To register and join our 5 minute on line research prior to the event click here…

This interactive event will be led by David Fawcitt and Chris Smith of Bath Consultancy Group, with case studies from two large global learning transformations and output of our research.

This network evening will include discussions around key areas;

  • Learning frameworks and models
  • Content rationalisation
  • Organisation wide behavioural change
  • Benchmarking / best practice / metrics
  • Centralisation
  • Learning Systems
  • Outsourcing and off-shoring
  • Upgrading learning function capability
  • Case studies of “live” transformations
  • Success factors and things to avoid
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