Coaching challenges in a time of cutbacks
Coaching initiatives are now particularly vulnerable at a time of cutbacks and reorganisation. Yet coaching is a vital
part of what an organisation needs when consolidating and is particularly important for those who remain in the organisation as it allows them to adjust quickly to new roles and conditions.
Coaching supervision - maximising the potential of coaching
The use of coaching has grown exponentially in the last ten years. The CIPD’s 2006 learning and development survey showed that nearly 80% of all respondents were in organisations that were investing in one or more forms of coaching.
Developing an effective coaching strategy
The growth in knowledge is one of the defining characteristics of the modern age. We have created a complex environment – none more so than the business environments in which we all operate.
Four key areas of an effective coaching strategy
With coaching fast becoming the focus of many leadership development programmes, Gil Schwenk, principal consultant at Bath Consultancy group, discusses the four key elements of an effective coaching strategy.