Fiona Ellis


Fiona is a managing consultant in the leadership team at Bath Consultancy Group and she is an experienced consultant, coach and designer of development workshops. She has a strong, calm, facilitative style, and enjoys working closely to support internal consultants, drawing on her own experience as an internal consultant for ten years.


She consults to a range of organisations across the private and public sector range of work including leadership development, working with culture change, whole systems transformation, HR development, action learning, and team development.

She has worked internationally for clients in the oil industry, television, telecoms, and financial services and in the UK public sector, both government and health.  

Recent projects have included:

  • Designing one of main leadership development programmes run within Nokia and leading a team delivering this in Europe and Asia
  • Developing a team development framework for Nokia Siemens Networks and implementing globally through on line team charter process, developing Hr to support Team development and a global programme on Leading Teams for managers
  • Leading a project team working in Department of Work and Pensions ( UK Govt) supporting the internal OD team and coaching the head of Leadership and Change Team
  • Developing an approach to Transition Support for senior executives, which is now being used in Shell Nokia, and DWP.

She has broad experience of HR development and supporting internal OD specialists, having designed and led an HR Strategic Partners programme with senior HR Business Partners across Nokia.

She has an MSc in Change Agents: Skills and Strategies at Surrey University and has undertaken research into best practice in executive leadership development with international companies for the BBC.  She has been a Non-executive director in an NHS Trust.


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"It is so great to work with you. You are really helping Worklife Support come alive. I had a very strong sense that people were touched and affected by yesterday."

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