A Workshop with Margaret Wheatley


6th January 2010    


Margaret Wheatley is one of today's most sought-after and influential management philosophers. She has published best selling books "Leadership and the New Science", "A Simpler Way", "Turning to One Another" and "Finding our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time". 

Bath Consultancy Group is delighted to welcome Margaret to a special workshop where guests from different aspects of the Public Sector will come together providing a rich diverse mix of people who all have a stake in making things happen quicker and better. This workshop has kindly been sponsored by the Health Foundation and The Whitehall Innovation Hub, National School for Government and DCLG.


Public Sector bodies have been gearing up to tackle the challenges of improving productivity, outcomes and public engagement in the midst of economic downturn. This means we need more urgently than ever to find radical new solutions to deliver better value for money, and better local services that are more responsive to local needs.

But sometimes projects get stuck, people feel frustrated and under- supported. In spite of the investment, the pace and nature of change can feel slow and conventional. For many people, this will feel like a familiar pattern - huge optimism and investment in a new initiative.... soon followed by creeping disappointment when they don't somehow live up their promise and expectations....

So how do we maintain courage and commitment to look beyond these dilemmas, past the systemic organisational and social patterns that hold us back?

The question remains - how to liberate the strength, purpose and creativity of people and organisations to meet the important challenges of our time?

We believe that it is when people come together across boundaries and differences, seeing a thing afresh through a different lens - then that's when the creative and innovative solutions start to take shape.

The workshop aims to:

  • Identify what needs to shift in the way we think and act in pursuit of local transformations
  • Explore the supporting theories and evidence illuminate and share existing and emerging practice on the edge of the mainstream
  • Mobilise the ‘virtual' networks which fuel and support people doing things differently
  • Consider how to support the work that will build, support and sustain local leadership and change capability

Download the Workshop Notes here:  Margaret Wheatley Workshop Notes 1.27 Mb   



If you would like more information on the outcomes of the workshop please email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it .

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