Clinton Lucy

Clinton Lucy is a Director with Origin Consulting and has over twenty years’ experience of international consulting at Partner level with PwC, UXC and Bath Consultancy Group. He has assignment experience covering five continents and over twenty-five countries and specialises in leadership of organisational change and project management.  He has a well-established international network of clients including global clients in the professional services, financial services and manufacturing sectors, public sector organisations, and top-tier local companies. Examples of organisations he has worked with recently include Nokia, JCP, IBM and Ernst & Young. Recent projects have included a programme working with IT Infrastructure in Barclays Capital in the restructuring and realignment of their Global Division; a training and development programme in Deutsche Bank to enhance talent recruitment, performance and retention; and Transition Support programmes within many clients including Standard Chartered and Shell. An entertaining presenter and trainer, Clinton has considerable experience of addressing audiences on topics related to leadership, strategy and change.  Clinton is a mature and natural leader with a well-established reputation for coaching and mentoring senior executives, including assistance with boardroom issues and facilitating management teams. He is an excellent, well prepared and entertaining presenter and team worker with considerable international experience. He has lived and worked in the UK, Kenya and Australia and has travelled and worked in many parts of the world.



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