Coaching Supervision Video Series

Welcome to the Coaching Supervision Video Series
by Professor Peter Hawkins, Bath Consultancy Group

As part of the 2014/15 Coaching Supervision programme at Bath Consultancy Group we touched base with Professor Peter Hawkins and asked him about the fundamentals of Coaching Supervision. the philosophy behind it, the approach and the success it can bring to both an individual coach’s performance and to their client organisations. In this series of 5 videos he explains why it is essential, how it works, the models that enable it to be embedded and the major aspects that ensure its success.

Why Coaching Supervision?

Welcome to the first in our Coaching Supervison video series by Professor Peter Hawkins. In this introductory video Peter explains why coaching supervision is essential in a time where leaders face ever increasing challenges. Much more will be expected of coaches to support leaders of tomorrow – that’s where Coaching Supervision comes in.

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How does Coaching Supervision work?

Welcome to the second in our Coaching Supervision video series by Professor Peter Hawkins. In this second video Peter explores the approach to how Coaching Supervision works including the 7 eyed model of Supervision that has been used extensively around the world.

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The 3 Main Elements of Coaching Supervision

Welcome to the third in our Coaching Supervision video series by Professor Peter Hawkins. In this third video Peter looks at the 3 major aspects of Coaching Supervision: Qualitative, Developmental and Resourcing.

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Transcultural Coaching Supervision

Welcome to the fourth in our Coaching Supervision video series by Professor Peter Hawkins. In this fourth video Professor Peter Hawkins is joined by Dr Judy Ryde to discuss how we effectively work transculturally as coaching supervisors whilst dealing with issues of power, bias (conscious and unconscious) and how we work across difference.

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Seven Eyed Model of Supervision Series

Welcome to the fifth in our Coaching Supervision video series by Professor Peter Hawkins. In this fifth video Professor Peter Hawkins will be discussing the model he created which is now used in many different professions internationally by coaches as a model for understanding different approaches to supervision.

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