A Large Pharmaceutical Company
Integration: what happened?
  • 100 day deadline for all major decisions:

Costs            Site closures; target cost reductions

Projects        Selection of combined portfolio

Processes    Selection of core business systems

People          Organisation design & selection

  • August was declared a decision ‘holiday'
  • September - New Corporate Vision, Mission & Strategy
  • Each part of the organisation managed the detail of Integration to suit its needs

1996 review: what worked?


  • Establishing an integration office staffed with own people
  • Integration completed within 12 months
  • Range of communication methods
  • Established confidential feedback mechanism to senior team and published results


  • Had transparent integration targets to meet


  • Used external experts to design an objective process for selection of projects but senior managers implemented it


  • Differentiated between ‘stayers' and ‘leavers' in terms of HR and OD support
  • Redundant staff treated fairly and generously

1996 review: what could have been done differently?


  • Develop an earlier recognition of cultural ‘blind spots'
  • Recognise the inherent bias of using ‘internal' recruitment consultants
  • Understand the different redundancy practices globally


  • Make decisions about IT immediately - don't get consensus. Make a decision and implement it

1998 review: key lessons

  • Plan your integration process as early as possible - as soon as you have identified potential partners
  • Be transparent about any cost saving targets - everyone expects them and the reality is never as bad as the rumour
  • Communicate face-to-face to all staff simultaneously when ever possible particularly bad news e.g. networked satellite broadcasts; standing on a table in the canteen
  • Get people at all levels of the organisation talking to each other as soon as possible
  • Plan Day 1 - who do you want to keep, who do you not want to keep? - who is talking to key players throughout the organisation as soon as the news hits?
  • Do as much of it yourselves - particularly the people related issues - don't hide behind consultants

1999 facts & figures

Sales:                                   £7,983 million

  • North America 45%
  • Europe 34%
  • Japan 6%
  • Latin America 5%
  • Asia Pacific 7%
  • Africa & Middle East 3%

R&D Spend:                        £1.6 billion

Employees:                          55,273


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