High Performing Teams

In a complex and dynamic world, with many uncertainties, high performing teams are more important than ever. Bath Consultancy Group work with a range of global and complex organisations helping to raise the performance of Boards, Executive and Management Teams.

We recognise that these teams are increasingly working at a distance, using technology to work virtually. Many leaders are working in multiple teams with competing demands on their time. This makes it increasingly challenging to build the strong relationships, with trust and understanding that are vital for a successful team.

We know from our experience that high performing teams need to be able to: 
  • Share a common purpose, vision and strategy
  • Be really clear on roles and responsibilities across complex matrix structures
  • Engage with stakeholders and be clear on their mandate
  • Be interdependent and hold each other mutually accountable
  • Give honest direct feedback
  • Handle conflict and deal with the things that are unsaid

What we offer

In working with organisations on these challenges we work in four main areas:

  1. Team coaching for Boards, Executive and Leadership Teams 
  2. Providing a comprehensive organisational framework for the development of High Performing Teams
  3. Developing HR and internal team coaches to facilitate teams and raise their performance
  4. Developing leaders so that they can raise the performance of their own teams

We have worked across many organisations providing external team coaching, where an independent perspective, specialist skills and the added stimulus of the external voice is needed.  We have highly skilled team coaches with experience of working up to and including Board level. However in these pressured economic times, we also recognise the need to grow internal capacity internally developing leaders to work with their own teams, providing frameworks and tools that they can use and developing internal facilitators e.g. in HR, who can support the development of the teams with which they work.

In one global hi tech organisation we have partnered with the Talent and Leadership Development team to develop a team model based on our own research into team development, looking both at what is inside the team and how it works across the boundary with other teams and stakeholders.

We have worked around the world to develop managers to lead their teams using the framework and also to raise the skills of internal HR Business partners as team facilitators of leadership teams.


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Living Leadership  
2 Degrees Network 
Lumina Consulting 
Nasrudin - The Wise Fool 
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