Cultural Integration in M&A;
Human Due Diligence Organisational Healthcheck

In our experience, the focus on structures and processes often means that the human side is often overlooked during Due Diligence. We have developed a Human Due Diligence Organisational Healthcheck so that executives and HR can assess whether they are doing enough. The health check is based on several years of documented research and links directly with a model for ensuring success.  Below is a sample of the questionnaire:

Download:  Human Due Diligence Questionnaire - Sample 48 Kb

If you would like a copy of the full questionnaire and how to use it, please contact: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it   or This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it   


The successful integration of companies, departments and teams

In the public, private, and third sectors organisations are merging and consolidating in the hope that they can achieve greater efficiencies, strategic advantage and enhanced customer service. But evidence shows that only 25% of mergers and acquisitions succeed in delivering these aspirations... with failure to integrate working cultures most often cited as the main reason.

Indeed, due diligence in integrating legacy cultures is often neglected in preference to the many more tangible matters that need attention, with disastrous consequences.


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Description�:�Living Leadership is a leadership consultancy that focuses on releasing untapped leadership potential within individuals, teams and organisations. We have deep expertise in assisting leaders to work with the wider system to transform organisational performance.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">
Description�:�Living Leadership is a leadership consultancy that focuses on releasing untapped leadership potential within individuals, teams and organisations. We have deep expertise in assisting leaders to work with the wider system to transform organisational performance.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Living Leadership   URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�

2degrees is a service developed to help organisations reduce their carbon footprint and find the renewable energy solutions they need. Our mission is to enable companies to identify and create the value webs of partners and solutions necessary to the implementation of their environmental strategy.

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2degrees is a service developed to help organisations reduce their carbon footprint and find the renewable energy solutions they need. Our mission is to enable companies to identify and create the value webs of partners and solutions necessary to the implementation of their environmental strategy.

', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">2 Degrees Network  URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Mergers and partnerships have the potential to transform effectiveness and efficiency in service and product delivery. This is reflected in the growing number of commercial mergers and acquisitions, recently running at�a rate of 200 per year in the UK alone, and now set�to increase with the credit crunch. ', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Mergers and partnerships have the potential to transform effectiveness and efficiency in service and product delivery. This is reflected in the growing number of commercial mergers and acquisitions, recently running at�a rate of 200 per year in the UK alone, and now set�to increase with the credit crunch. ', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Lumina Consulting  URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Short spirtual stories for organisational and personal transformation, a book by Peter Hawkins. 84 amusing stories that will transform how you see your organisation and your own leadership. Nasrudin is the archetypal wise fool, who lived in the Middle East over 600 years ago, though his stories have travelled the world and been updated in every generation.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Short spirtual stories for organisational and personal transformation, a book by Peter Hawkins. 84 amusing stories that will transform how you see your organisation and your own leadership. Nasrudin is the archetypal wise fool, who lived in the Middle East over 600 years ago, though his stories have travelled the world and been updated in every generation.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Nasrudin - The Wise Fool  URL�:��\'Popular�', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'Popular�', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Alexander Ballard Ltd 
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