Challenges of Change
Changing the way we change
Changing the way people think and behave is, in our experience, often put in the ‘too difficult’ box. None more so than when an organisation needs to undertake radical and deep reaching change, something that’s top of mind in the public sector at the moment.
War for talent rages in the City

In 2010 we interviewed 34 senior leaders of UK banks. This was Bath Consultancy Group’s second inquiry and we wanted to investigate whether the financial crisis had led not only to new strategies being implemented but also whether banks had taken the opportunity to change both their approach to leadership and the embedded culture within their organisations.

Significantly, we found that while there had been major change in terms of strategy only13% of leaders had undertaken a culture change programme and only just over a quarter had changed their approach to leadership development.

Our experience is that if culture stays the same, it becomes harder to implement sustainable changes to strategy. As banks return to growth the danger is that the urgency to change will decline.

Our Global Network is Growing


Recognising the need to reduce air travel and cost, many organisations are looking for stronger global teams to resource their development and consulting. Making this work effectively and with people you can trust is of paramount importance.

Future Global Trends

Organisations across the world are facing many challenges. As consultants we are privileged to work in different organisations in different sectors that bring different issues and perspectives. We have a collective wisdom and in this paper we present what we see organisations grappling with in the forthcoming years.

Managing Transition

"Slow down to speed up"

By Fiona Ellis, Director

- Bath Consultancy Group

As mergers and acquisitions increase and organisations constantly realign to meet changing business needs, the cost of transition can be too high a price for businesses, teams and individuals.

Aligning Culture and Managing Change to Deliver the Benefits of Systems Implementation

Often new systems fail to achieve their full benefit because of cultural rather than technical reasons. This introductory presentation covers some of the key issues.

Download:  Systems Culture Change 280 Kb

Integrated Change for a Complex World

Organisations are not predictable; ‘planning' doesn't seem to work any more; even the most respected pathways to success and growth (such as Jack Welsh's ‘GE way') are seen to be flawed. And yet some organisations are finding ways to flourish and succeed in this new environment. What do they know that others don’t ?

Download:  Integrated Change for a Complex World 185 Kb

Newer Approaches to Change, latest thinking

A presentation on "Changing the metaphor for organisations. From machines to complex adaptive systems".

Download:  Approaches to Change 108 Kb

Ways of bringing about change - building long-term infrastructure

BCG has been working in the area of Integrated Strategic Change for 20 years, and over that period we have utilised a variety of different approaches to bring about change. This brief document  highlights building long-term infrastructure.

Download: Bringing About Change - Build long term infrastucture 62 Kb

Ways of bringing about change - catching the energy / needs / enthusiasm

We strongly believe that only by having a rich and varied portfolio of approaches, and knowing when it is best to utilise each one of them, that the optimum change outcome can be achieved. This brief document highlights catching the energy / needs / enthusiasm.

Download:  Bringing About Change - Catching the Energy 70 Kb


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Description�:�Living Leadership is a leadership consultancy that focuses on releasing untapped leadership potential within individuals, teams and organisations. We have deep expertise in assisting leaders to work with the wider system to transform organisational performance.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">
Description�:�Living Leadership is a leadership consultancy that focuses on releasing untapped leadership potential within individuals, teams and organisations. We have deep expertise in assisting leaders to work with the wider system to transform organisational performance.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Living Leadership   URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�

2degrees is a service developed to help organisations reduce their carbon footprint and find the renewable energy solutions they need. Our mission is to enable companies to identify and create the value webs of partners and solutions necessary to the implementation of their environmental strategy.

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2degrees is a service developed to help organisations reduce their carbon footprint and find the renewable energy solutions they need. Our mission is to enable companies to identify and create the value webs of partners and solutions necessary to the implementation of their environmental strategy.

', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">2 Degrees Network  URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Mergers and partnerships have the potential to transform effectiveness and efficiency in service and product delivery. This is reflected in the growing number of commercial mergers and acquisitions, recently running at�a rate of 200 per year in the UK alone, and now set�to increase with the credit crunch. ', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Mergers and partnerships have the potential to transform effectiveness and efficiency in service and product delivery. This is reflected in the growing number of commercial mergers and acquisitions, recently running at�a rate of 200 per year in the UK alone, and now set�to increase with the credit crunch. ', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Lumina Consulting  URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Short spirtual stories for organisational and personal transformation, a book by Peter Hawkins. 84 amusing stories that will transform how you see your organisation and your own leadership. Nasrudin is the archetypal wise fool, who lived in the Middle East over 600 years ago, though his stories have travelled the world and been updated in every generation.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Short spirtual stories for organisational and personal transformation, a book by Peter Hawkins. 84 amusing stories that will transform how you see your organisation and your own leadership. Nasrudin is the archetypal wise fool, who lived in the Middle East over 600 years ago, though his stories have travelled the world and been updated in every generation.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Nasrudin - The Wise Fool  URL�:��\'Popular�', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'Popular�', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Alexander Ballard Ltd 
Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
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