Sustainability and CSR
Responding to Climate Change

How to match organisational capacity with effective strategic and operational response

Thursday 26 November 2009 

Speakers: Fiona Ellis and David Ballard

Event details

What enables one organisation to tackle climate change more effectively than another? How can leaders identify when initiatives are likely to stall and what is needed in order to create progress?

Accelerating Response to Climate Change

Bath Consultancy Group has researched organisational responses to accelerating climate change.

  • Will short-term economic pressures stop organisations addressing climate change?
  • How can resources be focussed to support key areas?
  • How can HR play a stronger role?

In recent months we've conducted primary research and hosted a webinar "Will business pressures torpedo a low carbon strategy?" discussing these points. With Alexander Ballard we are providing a framework to rapidly change organisations' response to climate change. Fiona Ellis and Danny Chesterman report...

Supporting organisations towards a low carbon economy
While there has been increasing recognition of CSR and sustainability for organisations, the economic downturn has forced certain issues to the fore. Energy security and climate change are now major strategic issues that need to be urgently addressed. We are in a 20% world with President Obama backing the need for 80% carbon reductions. Organisations have also been impacted by travel costs and the need to save on energy consumption.
Climate PACT

This document looks at Change Strategies required to address Impacts of Climate Change and Energy Security.

Download:  Strategic Change Support on Sustainability Business 252 Kb

Corporate Ethics - Are you the next Enron?

The Corporate Ethics Questionnaire: How does your company compare?

Ethics has risen spectacularly as a key corporate issue in recent years. It's not just the bad guys - Enron, World Com, Maxwell - that have focused attention, but also the good guys too:

  • Marks & Spencer has recently announced a £200m investment to make the company carbon-neutral within 5 years
  • GE has launched a major investment initiative, ‘Ecomagination', to create sustainable business, as well as some creative financial products including a ‘carbon-reducing' credit card
  • TNT has teamed-up with the UN's World Food Programme to provide an emergency response team for disaster relief, playing a big role in the recent Bangladesh floods

While some of this shift is undoubtably internally driven, there are also an increasing number of external drivers, including:

  • The 2006 Companies Act, which introduced a requirement for all public companies to report on social and enviromental matters.
  • The fact that NGOs and others are also now much sharper about putting pressure on those who they consider have stepped outside the mark; media-savvy activists can now utilise You Tube and other viral communication tools to great effect.
  • There is also peer pressure - signing up to the principles of Tomorrow's Company, for example, enables you to rub shoulders with senior executives from BT, John Lewis, Marks & Spencer, Cadbury-Schweppes and the like.





CSR - Milton Friedman was right

Of the hundreds of thousands of words written about Corporate Social Responsibility, one of the earliest quotations is one of the most persistent - the statement by the late economist Milton Friedman that “the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits.” This might seem odd from a supporter of CSR, but I am going to argue that Friedman was right - if you read the story behind the headline.

Download:  Milton Friedman was right 58 Kb

Corporate Social Responsibility

Bath Consultancy Group has been exploring the contribution we can make in helping organisations with their approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR). With increasing expectations from society, government, staff and consumers, the subject is coming into sharper focus for many companies. 


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Description�:�Living Leadership is a leadership consultancy that focuses on releasing untapped leadership potential within individuals, teams and organisations. We have deep expertise in assisting leaders to work with the wider system to transform organisational performance.
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2degrees is a service developed to help organisations reduce their carbon footprint and find the renewable energy solutions they need. Our mission is to enable companies to identify and create the value webs of partners and solutions necessary to the implementation of their environmental strategy.

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2degrees is a service developed to help organisations reduce their carbon footprint and find the renewable energy solutions they need. Our mission is to enable companies to identify and create the value webs of partners and solutions necessary to the implementation of their environmental strategy.

', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">2 Degrees Network  URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Mergers and partnerships have the potential to transform effectiveness and efficiency in service and product delivery. This is reflected in the growing number of commercial mergers and acquisitions, recently running at�a rate of 200 per year in the UK alone, and now set�to increase with the credit crunch. ', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Mergers and partnerships have the potential to transform effectiveness and efficiency in service and product delivery. This is reflected in the growing number of commercial mergers and acquisitions, recently running at�a rate of 200 per year in the UK alone, and now set�to increase with the credit crunch. ', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Lumina Consulting  URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Short spirtual stories for organisational and personal transformation, a book by Peter Hawkins. 84 amusing stories that will transform how you see your organisation and your own leadership. Nasrudin is the archetypal wise fool, who lived in the Middle East over 600 years ago, though his stories have travelled the world and been updated in every generation.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'PopularDescription�:�Short spirtual stories for organisational and personal transformation, a book by Peter Hawkins. 84 amusing stories that will transform how you see your organisation and your own leadership. Nasrudin is the archetypal wise fool, who lived in the Middle East over 600 years ago, though his stories have travelled the world and been updated in every generation.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Nasrudin - The Wise Fool  URL�:��\'Popular�', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();"> URL�:��\'Popular�', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Alexander Ballard Ltd 
Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
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