Corporate Social Responsibility

Bath Consultancy Group has been exploring the contribution we can make in helping organisations with their approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR). With increasing expectations from society, government, staff and consumers, the subject is coming into sharper focus for many companies. 

The frameworks that have built up around CSR can help companies to make sense of society’s expectations, and achieve a balanced approach to their responsibilities. However, when we work with companies starting to define their position in CSR, we often find one area (but only one) that will be really well managed and reported. Perhaps an environmental group really hit the spot, or maybe an appeal for philanthropic giving found a receptive executive, but for whatever reason in isolated pockets some excellent responsible projects and activities will be flourishing.

The challenge - for a truly integrated CSR approach - is to build up from these foundations a broad-based approach to CSR which acknowledges the requirements of all the stakeholder groups, not just one - and which makes sure that good CSR practices are embedded in the company and integrated into all aspects of planning, strategy and operations.

Responsible investors see CSR as central to their assessment of a company’s likelihood of success, and employees are increasingly important as judges of CSR performance.

As economies mature, the war for talent gets more intense, and in most advanced societies it is now employees who pick a company to work for, rather than companies selecting from a passive pool of skills. The modern employee has personal values which she expects to see reflected in the values of the company which wants to employ her. If those values are not on display, she will take her talents elsewhere. These Values Driven Professionals look for corporate values which match their own personal values, and CSR is often the best way to articulate this.

Of all the CSR issues, environmental impact and climate change are clearly the most pressing, and Bath Consultancy Group is working with The National School of Government and OpenStrategy to bring together leading companies in the “deep co-operation” called for in the Stern Report. An initial meeting in February will explore ways that all involved can work together towards a solution - the start of BCG’s first major CSR project, and an encouragement for more to flourish.

If you are interested in this area and would like to have further discussions about our approach to CSR please call Simon Cooper on 01225 333737.


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