Creating a Culture for Performance

Organisations we work for have usually addressed all the normal performance factors but something is still getting in the way of delivering the strategy and value. It might be that you're not performing as a team, function or organisation.  Perhaps, it's to do with engagement of staff as they are the ones who will be delivering the changes. It could be ensuring that your change processes are embedded and sustained.

What we offer

a strategy is only successful if culture and leadership are developed at the same time  Our view is that a new strategy can only be successful if we develop the culture and the collective leadership at the same time.  As one of our client's put it, "It is no good re-engineering the processes unless you also rewire the relationships both inside the organisation and with all the key stakeholders."  It is by attending to the interaction of these aspects that we help you deliver Culture for Performance.

The benefits

As a result of our work our clients have achieved a real impact:

  • A major consultancy generated an increase in revenues on some key accounts by over 100%.
  • By creating a consumer focus, our client increased market share after years of product push.
  • Functions such as HR, IT and Marketing have become focussed on how to relate to the business as a value-creating partner rather than a technical function.
  • The behaviours and relationships of the leaders and managers have greatly improved transforming the engagement of their staff.

The resulting Culture for Performance is self-sustaining and independent at individual, team, organisation and 'partnering' levels.



Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Culture Sites

Barry Oshry - Power and Systems 
Human Synergistics 
Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
BCG Ltd, trading as Bath Consultancy Group, is a subsidiary of General Physics (UK) Ltd
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Registered Office: Cleveland House, Sydney Road, Bath, BA2 6NR
A subsidiary of GP Strategies Corporation (NYSE:GPX)

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