Making Strategic Partnerships Succeed

Working in partnership is now acknowledged to be a key criterion for thriving in both the private and public sectors. The benefits include a greater critical mass, giving the ability to deliver beyond the capabilities of any one partner, the opportunity to draw on more resources, the ability to find new and better ways of working, the ability to spread risks and to reduce/share costs. However, establishing highly effective partnerships can be complex and frustrating.

What we offer

Bath Consultancy Group has experience of supporting partnerships, both in the formation stage and later in their development.  We employ a range of interventions to effect change and performance improvement.  These may include the following:

  • establishing (and in some cases, re-establishing) purpose, vision, goals and objectives
  • mapping roles and responsibilities (including interdependencies)
  • personal development and coaching to improve contribution
  • facilitated events to move the partnership forward
  • development of strategy, leadership and culture

The benefits

We have worked for over a year with the Public Service Management Wales (PSMW) team, hosted by the Welsh Assembly Government.  We have helped shape the innovative programmes and projects that PSMW commissions to support the aim of citizen centred services.  Some of the key services are:

  • Connect 4 Cymru - a ground-breaking programme designed to support and develop middle managers involved in driving cross boundary change.
  • People Exchange Wales - facilitating interchange opportunities between public sector organisations.
  • Action learning sets for senior managers across public service.


Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Partnership Sites

DEMOS - A think tank for democracy 
Description�:�The network for health and social care organisations.
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Description�:�The network for health and social care organisations.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Integrated Care Network 
Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
BCG Ltd, trading as Bath Consultancy Group, is a subsidiary of General Physics (UK) Ltd
Registered in England No.: 03328424, VAT Reg No.: GB 880 9813 85
Registered Office: Cleveland House, Sydney Road, Bath, BA2 6NR
A subsidiary of GP Strategies Corporation (NYSE:GPX)

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