Developing Leaders Who Engage and Have Impact

Over the past five years both businesses and governments have been willing to put more money into leadership development than at any other time in history.  There has been a proliferation of leadership books and theories.  Yet, it's not always easy to see what the cumulative effect on services and the bottom line has been.

What we offer

the capabilities tomorrow’s leaders need, not what made yesterday’s leaders successful Our approach is different.  Our international experience across public, private and not-for-profit sectors has shown us that patterns repeat themselves.

  • We work with the whole system to understand the dynamics and consider the collective leadership capability, rather than simply how to improve the skills of a particular group. 
  • We focus on relationships between leaders, the followers who authorise them and the purpose of challenge they share.
  • We attach importance to ‘behaving' leadership in the moment, not at some future date. 

Our experience and expertise enables us to work directly on the quality of relationships in the system, recognising and changing the patterns as well as building individual and collective capability.

Our research shows that leadership is most effective when it is:

  • As close as possible to where the current challenges are happening.
  • Focused not only on individuals but also teams, partnerships and organisations.
  • Engaging thinking and emotions; action and reflections.
  • Challenge led and not theory led.
  • Driven by a clear sense of what capabilities tomorrow's leaders will need, not by what made yesterday's leaders successful.

The benefits

Our 3 year project with senior partners at Ernst & Young has shown how leadership can significantly impact culture. Ernst & Young moved from 12th to 4th in the Best Big Companies ratings.  Our work with the senior leaders of Canon Europe has increased their ability to engage and develop their people as well as improve cross-unit collaboration.  We are working with cross-business groups of leaders, developing their personal and collective capability to help them identify existing patterns and coaching each other to take a lead in creating the shift. 

We worked closely with the executive team and the board of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce as it approached its bicentenary year.  We supported and challenged them through a process of redefining their mission for the 21st century and aligning their governance and ways of working to achieve this.



Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Leadership Sites

Leader Values 
Nasrudin - The Wise Fool 
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