Leadership Development in Global Telecommunications

The Challenge

Global telecommunications is one of rapidly changing technology, diversified customer needs and a fierce market characterised by rapid mergers and acquisitions. The complex challenges they face include maintaining a corporate brand in the face of global diversity; and developing new forms of networking and virtual working in a workforce that is distributed across many different sites. Our challenge as consultants was to integrate leadership models and theories with participants real experience and challenges live in the room, so that the programme had lasting impact.

The Solution

BCG was delighted to be selected as a partner to develop the first of three leader programmes and to introduce group coaching which will be used at all levels.  Our learning solution is for first level team leaders.  In early 2008, we ran a series of pilot programmes in North America, Europe, Asia and India and have also equipped the human resource team and local facilitators to implement the programme within in each region.

Building on our long standing relationship with this Global Telecommunications company, we have designed a key part of the three main global leadership transition programmes.  The three month leadership development programme includes a three-day workshop followed by three virtual group coaching sessions held monthly during that period.  These sessions enable the participants to coach each other thus reinforcing the leader as coach component of the programme.

All team leaders in the organisation will attend this programme after an introduction to People Processes as e-learning and the full transition programme.  This has been designed to equip individuals with the leadership skills to make the transition from individual contributor to a team leader. The programme also includes innovative group coaching on a virtual basis in small coaching groups.

The programme is now being delivered by Bath Consultancy Group in Europe and in Asia Pacific, and we have trained other consultants around the world in Latin America, North America, Africa and China to deliver the programme.

The Outcomes

The global results of programmes show team leaders are significantly engaged and find this really helps them tackle the complex changes they are experiencing due to recession. It is the only programme not frozen in the recent global halt on development, and is now being more extensively run with a new emphasis on leading in tough times.



Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Leadership Sites

Leader Values 
Nasrudin - The Wise Fool 
Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
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