Harvesting Feedback

We help capture and act on the themes and patterns that emerge from coaching by harvesting feedback to highlight organisational performance issues and increase the dividend from coaching. 

we help you to increase the organisational dividend from coaching

What we offer 

By definition coaching is an individual activity.  We help organisations join up the individual transformations to create a shift in the wider organisation. We have developed a system to allow organisations to harvest feedback whilst maintaining the important confidential coaching relationship. We facilitate workshops with internal and external coaches to identify, clarify and document organisational themes and patterns that emerge from coaching.

The business implications 

Failing to capture and act on the themes and patterns means an organisation will be blind to inherent performance issues.  This undermines the collective performance and fundamentally the bottom line of the organisation.

The results 

Internal and external coaches are exposed to a wealth of perspectives about an organisation through the process of coaching.  Harvesting these perspectives will result in data that can be used to make positive change in the culture and performance, increasing the organisational dividend from coaching. Bath Consultancy Group has additional expertise in aligning leadership and culture to deliver business strategy.


NB: We have recently launched Action Research into Harvesting Organisational Learning from Coaching...

Read More:  Harvesting Learning Action Research 77 Kb



Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Coaching Sites

Centre for Supervision and Team Development 
Coaching at Work 
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