Team Development in Global Communications

Over the last year Bath Consultancy Group has been working with a leading global telecommunication solutions supplier, to improve team leader capabilities across the organisation. This has been designed to speed the integration of teams following the creation of the company from the two legacy organisations two years ago and support the new culture.

The project has involved developing a Team Model and Framework for the organisation, working with Talent and Leadership Development internally and adapting this to existing company frameworks. The Team Pulse questionnaire and Team Charter process is now available via the intranet for all team leaders. Our consultants have also been facilitating senior global teams, using this approach.

From the outset this project was designed to be supported internally with intact leadership teams by HR Business partners and so an extensive team process guidelines pack was created as an online resource for facilitators.

We have in addition developed, piloted and are currently delivering a 2 day programme globally, ‘Leading Teams”, which is based on the Team Model. This programme helps experienced team leaders raise their teams’ performance and develop their capacity for teaming in virtual teams.

Bath Consultancy Group has put together a group of 6 of its principal consultants together with 15 associates from our international network to deliver programmes on a global basis from Latin America to Europe, Middle East and Africa and Asia.



Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Leadership Sites

Leader Values 
Nasrudin - The Wise Fool 
Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
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