Responding to Climate Change

How to match organisational capacity with effective strategic and operational response

Thursday 26 November 2009 

Speakers: Fiona Ellis and David Ballard

Event details

What enables one organisation to tackle climate change more effectively than another? How can leaders identify when initiatives are likely to stall and what is needed in order to create progress?

This workshop presents PACT, a research-based framework for strategic capacity building designed to help organisations respond to pressure for climate change mitigation and adaptation - as well as other sustainable development imperatives - and identify strategic pathways for effective response.


Fiona Ellis has been a director and managing consultant of Bath Consultancy Group over the past ten years. Her work includes leadership and HR development, culture change and whole-system transformation. She has worked internationally for clients in the oil industry, television, telecoms and financial services as well as government and health sector organisations in the UK. Fiona leads the consultancy's HiTech service group as well as its emerging practice for building change capacity in a low carbon world.

David Ballard is a director of Alexander Ballard Ltd, which he co-founded in response to demands for a consultancy with expertise in business strategy, the environment, sustainable development, communications, organisational change and social transformation. David led the development of PACT, which is currently being used as a core element of the UK's first Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Economic Analysis. He has a strong background in business strategy and a prolonged experience of working in the sustainability field for organisations in commercial and governmental sectors. His deep understanding of change at the organisational, personal and social level gives him a unique command of the issues inherent in developing sharp, creative and commercially viable responses to climate change and other related sustainability issues.

Who should attend?

The talks will appeal to anyone with a leadership role in organisations, as well as those who are involved in HR, leadership and organisation development, or the Corporate Social Responsibility field. They will also be relevant to academics and to others who are interested in the broader sustainability agenda

How to book

Please complete the booking from below and return to This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

Thursday 26 November 2009 at 18:00 - 21:00

Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ

Contacts and Further Information

  • Contact Lara Howe at This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

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Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

CSR Case Studies

Useful CSR Sites

2 Degrees Network 
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