Peter Lewis

Peter Lewis is an experienced Coach/Mentor, skilled Facilitator and Certificated Super-Visor, as well as being a licensed practitioner in three major psychometric instruments.  Professional qualifications include Membership of: CIPD (Affiliate), European Mentoring and Coaching Council,  International Coach Federation.  He is also accredited as a Senior Certified Coach by Noble Manhattan Coaching.

Peter has worked at Board and Senior levels with: BUPA International BearingPoint, State Street Bank, NCP, Charteris Plc, Marks&Spencer, Munich Re, Smart Consulting, KGB Group, Ruston Poole International, Genesis Capital, Acrobat Creative Design, New Economic Foundation, South East England Development Agency, as well as facilitating CEO Peer Groups for the Institute of Directors.  He is also a Trusted Advisor to several medium sized SME's.

Peter is a skilled business coach and mentor as well as a good team leader and motivator. He has a positive and enthusiastic style as well as demonstrating commitment for the projects he undertakes. Peter builds up rapport easily with individuals at any level in an organisation and will add real value to executive coaching work. Kathryn Riley, HR Director -Thames Water plc.

When working with Coaching Clients, Peter uses his own Coaching for Authenticity Model, DECOADER, which places strong emphasis on initial Diagnostics and Discussion together with Exploration and Enquiry, before working with the client's issues, and concludes with looking at the possible Effects supported by appropriate Reflection, Review and Reframing. With over 2000 hours of Coaching, Mentoring and Facilitating for dozens of business owners and senior executives, Peter has a significant list of testimonials, as set out in the accompanying documents and case study.

  • MBTI - the world's most consistently used diagnostic with over 50 years of development and close to 4 million candidates annually. Peter is qualified to administer both Steps 1&2. MBTI Step 2 Online questionnaire and 22 page report highly recommended. Ongoing coaching and mentoring is strongly recommended to embed learning and aid both personal and group development.
  • FIRO Human Elements - Peter is qualified to administer all four interpersonal relations surveys. FIRO-B (Behaviour), developed by Will Schutz for the US Navy in the late 1950s, is the most widely known and commonly used and is now available online with 13 page Report. Self surveys on F-feelings, S-self concept and E-self esteem are also equally rewarding to explore. Ongoing coaching and mentoring is strongly recommended to embed learnings particularly for team development.
  • LEIPA - a unique data rich Emotional Intelligence diagnostic, developed by LeaderShape, which evaluates 360 degree feedback on operational effectiveness, behavioural skills and leadership styles. Particularly suited to evaluating Boards and senior management teams. Peter is qualified to administer the online questionnaire and 20 page report. Ongoing coaching and mentoring is strongly recommended to embed learning and enhance both personal and group development.
  • SUPER-VISION - Peter is one of a handful of people in the UK currently Certificated by Bath Consultancy Group as a professional supervisor for others involved in coaching and mentoring. This is a function which increasingly is being seen as fundamental to best coaching/mentoring practice. It fulfils 3 key roles - educative, supportive and monitoring, providing valuable third party observation and feedback both to the coach and sponsor. He is Joint Moderator of the London Super-Vision Group which comprises a number of Senior Coaches including the BBC's internal lead Coaches.

Contact Peter on 07711 908920 

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