Sarah Ackroyd

Sarah is Director of The Centre for Mentoring and Coaching Ltd. specialising in mentoring, executive coaching and supervision. She is author of ‘Mentoring Schemes' in the series ‘Revealing the Power of Mentoring'.  

Sarah's focus in coaching and supervision is to support individuals to be more effective.  She brings to this a broad range of experience: business improvement; managing change; creating culture change within different teams and organisations; managing and working with diversity within organisations and the community; customer focused service delivery and value for money.  Whatever the context Sarah is most interested in helping people move on from rigid patterns of belief and behaviour to see new possibilities for development.

Qualified in the use of Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Sarah uses this to help people unravel the way they and others operate in the world and so increase effectiveness with different people.  She also finds it a highly effective platform for self development and growth.

She has a passion for helping balance work and home, personal ambitions and creativity and models this well herself.  As a mother of two lively children, a harpist and active within her own community, Sarah is versatile at juggling the needs of different life paths.  She balances her active life style with her own spiritual development through her music, providing harp meditations at silent retreats each year.

Sarah offers mentoring, executive coaching and supervision across the private, public and voluntary sectors.


The Centre for Mentoring and Coaching Ltd

Park Road House, 7 Park Road, Stapleton, Bristol, BS16 1AZ

T: 01179585468

M: 07931571396

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