Action Research into Harvesting Organisational Learning from Coaching

An invitation for organisations to join Bath Consultancy Group in Action Research into Harvesting Organisational Learning from Coaching

Are you concerned about these issues...

  • How can we ensure greater return on our investment in coaching and be more strategic in how we deploy our resources?
  • How can we use the individual development in thinking and behaviour to get a wider organisational development?
  • How can we harvest the learning from the many coaching conversations to reap the organisational learning, while still preserving appropriate confidentiality?
  • How can we ensure the organisational client benefits as much as the individual clients?

Bath Consultancy Group has just published Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision and Development and recently conducted research for the CIPD Change Agenda - Coaching Supervision: Maximising the Potential of Coaching. During our research we spoke to a large number of organisations who expressed a strong commitment to the individual benefits of coaching but also the above concerns.

Bath Consultancy Group has now developed a method of harvesting the organisational learning from coaching through the integration of our pioneering work in coaching supervision research, practice and supervisor training with our 20 years of leading practice as an organisation development consultancy.

We are looking for a select number of organisations who are coaching leaders to join with us for an action research project that will test and hone this groundbreaking methodology. The project will include joint inquiry amongst all organisations with customised field work in each participant organisation.

By participating in this unique action research project, your organisation will:

  • Be pioneers in harvesting organisational learning from coaching.
  • Benefit from the organisational learning to optimise the value of coaching for both individual and organisational benefit.
  • Learn from other organisations.
  • Gain publicity as a leader in coaching excellence and organisational development. We will publish this research and will publicise it widely through journals and conferences. Participant organisations, if they wish, may also be featured in our next book on using culture for sustainable organisational advantage.

The project consists of:

  • 1 day workshop for all participants to discuss their use of coaching and the return on investment. We will candidly explore what is working and what is not. We will explore what organisations have already done to harvest learning and their ideal scenario regarding coaching and organisational learning.
  • Harvesting Feedback in each participant organisation including:
  • - 1 day consultancy to customise the harvesting process to your organisation.
    - 2 day unique harvesting learning event where your coaches (internal and external) will be facilitated to identify and capture the key learning that they have experienced from coaching in the organisation. These will be distilled and presented to the organisation's executive team in dialogue with the coaching community. We will conduct a facilitated inquiry with the executive team about the organisational challenges, the systemic patterns and collectively agree how the organisation can learn from these and move forward with its overall coaching and development strategy. Action plans for both coaching strategy and other organisational developments that build on the learning will be developed and documented.
    - 1 day consultancy to the organisation's Executive Team, HR/OD and leaders of the coaching community to further develop and plan the implementation of the learning and take forward the emerging coaching strategy. 
  • 1 day workshop for all participants to share and capture the joint learning:
  • - for their organisations,
    - for the action research cohort,
    - for the method and approach of harvesting organisational learning from coaching.

We are seeking commitment from organisations by 31 July, to commence the project in September 2007.  Interested organisations should call Gil Schwenk who would be happy to discuss in further detail regarding details including the cost of involvement.

For more information, please contact Gil Schwenk by e-mail This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it or phone 07976 154192



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