Self-assessment Questionnaire for Supervisors

This self-assessment questionnaire affords you the opportunity of getting some 360° feedback from supervisees, peers, tutor and supervisor.  Each person is asked to rate each area of skill on a one to five scale.  To create some common understanding of how to use this rating scale the following definitions are offered:

1.                  professional learning need - don't know how to do this

2.                  personal learning need - know how to but unable to make it happen

3.                  sporadically competent - occasionally do it fine

4.                  consistently competent - this has become part of natural way of doing things

5.                  role model for this - can teach it to others

    Download:  Self-assessment Questionnaire for Supervisors 67 Kb

Further reading on the above can be found in Coaching, Mentoring and Organizational Consultancy: Supervision and Development by Peter Hawkins and Nick Smith - Chapter 12 - Core Skills and Capabilities.


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