Building High Quality Relationships

Traditional methods of managing client, supplier and partnering relationships are no longer going to be effective in an increasingly competitive and rapidly changing business environment.  As a result, organisations are creating less value than they should or could.

What we offer

We see relationships as the key to future competitive advantage because we believe that they can be ‘competition proofed'.  Relationships need to be created at such a level that the threat of traditional tactics of competitors to capture your customers and suppliers can be significantly reduced.

We can address the following areas:

  • Transforming the quality of relationships at the most senior levels of customers to deliver significant value to the business through revenue growth.
  • In a highly networked organisation operating with global partners, relationships with suppliers and alliance partners are key to growing revenues and increasing margins.
  • When an organisation restructures, the right relationships need to be created quickly to deliver the strategic benefits of the structure.

We believe that effective processes are only part of the answer to managing relationships.  We work with individuals to develop their ability to operate with significant authority, presence and impact. We work with leaders to develop their skills and capabilities to shift the nature of the relationship from transactional to transformation.

The benefits

The benefits we deliver focus on increasing the value generated across a network of value chains.  They include:

  • creating joint strategies shared by suppliers, your investors and your customers
  • increasing sales to key customers
  • helping your customers sell more to their customer
  • finding opportunities for suppliers to reduce your and their costs.


Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Relationships Case Studies

Useful Relationship Sites

Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
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