Teaming Strategy

Is team performance still a vital issue in today's climate? Surely it's even more important, given the challenges of moving at speed, addressing difficult markets and business situations, and of communicating in an increasingly virtual world .

However, developing individual leaders is often prioritised, whereas team development rarely has a coordinated strategy across an organisation. Most organisations may not even know what they spend on team development and coaching particularly at senior levels, as this is often from individuals budgets.


We have been working with our clients to create an integrated teaming strategy within an organisation, as the diagram shows. In one of our global clients ,we provided team coaching at a senior level to the organisation but they wanted to reach far more teams across the organisation, and asked us to develop a Team Framework  based on our High Performing Teams Model. To get this out to people we then developed this as the basis for easy to use on line tools for managers, such as helping each team create a  team charter. Another resource is the an on line questionnaire as a diagnostic of team performance, based on same model.

A third element in the strategy is developing HR globally to support team development so that HR Business Partners can support ongoing team development, play a strong role in the team, and save on external costs.

Lastly we also developed a leadership development programme, which over 300 managers globally have attended but one which focuses on Leading Teams, and encourage them to use the Team charter after the programme with their own teams.

In this integrated way far more teams can have active development and a consistent company approach can be followed, instead of a more ad hoc approach. If you are interested in discussing this approach further contact Fiona Ellis / Chris Smith This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it or This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it .



Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Leadership Sites

Leader Values 
Nasrudin - The Wise Fool 
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