Elspeth Campbell

An organisational consultant, executive coach and coachee supervisor, Elspeth has extensive cross industry sector experience and commercial acumen from her time in management consultancy and 15 years success in running her own business. Elspeth co-founded the Systemic Organisational Practice Programmes 7 years ago for managers, HR/OD consultants and coaches. She acts as manager of co-coaching forums on behalf of the AC Association for Coaching and runs a local forum in Wimbledon.

A skilled communicator with a deep understanding of human issues Elspeth is interested and skilled in working with client groups to facilitate transformational change, and in enabling individual awareness and development. She is qualified in the use of psychometrically developed questionnaires, an accredited coach within AC, and member of AMED the developers network.

Previous roles were Training and Development Manager at the London International Financial Futures & Options Exchange (LIFFE) and Consultant in Organisation and Human Resource Management with Coopers and Lybrand.

MSc in Systemic Management and Consultancy
Certificate in Coaching Supervision
Diploma in Training Management
Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Diploma in Human Resource Management
Diploma in Training Management
BA Honours Psychology and French

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