Shaping innovative programmes and projects with PSMW

Bath Consultancy Group worked for 18 months with the Public Service Management Wales (PSMW) Team, which is hosted by Welsh Assembly Government. 

The team aims to develop the capacity of public service managers and organisations to work effectively in collaboration across boundaries in order to improve public services for and with users, citizens and communities. PSMW is itself a partnership with over 80 member organisations in Wales. 

A BCG team helped to shape the innovative programmes and projects that PSMW commissions to support the aim of citizen centred services. In 2004 the Making the Connections strategy document gave PSMW an even wider role in helping reshape the Welsh Public Service workforce.

Some of the key PSMW activities that BCG has helped shape are:-

  • Connect 4 Cymru – a ground breaking programme designed to support and develop middle managers involved in driving cross boundary change.
  • People Exchange Wales – facilitating interchange opportunities between public sector organisations.
  • Action learning sets for senior managers across public service

BCG’s approach has been to make the medium the message. This has meant shifting mindsets:

  • from a purchaser/provider client/contractor relationships to deep and committed partnership
  • from linear planning to continuous cycles of planning, action, reflection and adjustment
  • from an exclusive focus on individual development to relationships and systems development.


Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Partnership Sites

DEMOS - A think tank for democracy 
Description�:�The network for health and social care organisations.
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Description�:�The network for health and social care organisations.
', VAUTO, HAUTO);" onmouseout="return nd();">Integrated Care Network 
Climate Neutral Bath Consultancy Group recognises that climate change is one of the most serious change issues affecting the world today. We offset our activities with Climate Care
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A subsidiary of GP Strategies Corporation (NYSE:GPX)

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