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Peter Binns
Principal Consultant

Peter BinnsPeter is a senior consultant, with much of his work focusing on managing change and developing organisations’ leadership capability. Recent clients include Reuters, Siemens, Infineon, Orange and Shell. In the public sector, his clients include central government departments and a wide range of local authorities & NHS Trusts. As part of this he has led award-winning programmes for the participation of users in NHS services. He has worked with several business schools (Including Warwick, Cranfield and the Irish Management Institute) to assist them to develop new approaches to leadership, learning and to managing knowledge assets. He has been a keynote speaker in this area to a number of UK and European conferences, including the European Foundation for Management Development. Prior to joining BCG Peter was Senior Research Fellow at Warwick Business School.


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Tel: +44 (0) 1225-333737 - Fax: +44 (0) 1225-333738

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