Creating a Coaching Culture

We enable organisations to create a streamlined coaching culture by helping them clarify the purpose and role of coaching. We assess the effectiveness of the current coaching culture and capability.

The business implications

At its best, a coaching culture can result in big improvements in performance and employee satisfaction. The escalation of both external and internal coaching has led to most organisations spending a significant amount on coaching. At its best, a coaching culture can result in big improvements in performance and employee satisfaction. At its worst, unfocussed spending with limited clarity of the desired outcome leads to executives seeing coaching as a cost rather than an investment. Poor quality of coaching and ambiguous objectives can contribute to underperformance in delivering business effectiveness, performance and results. Furthermore, it can have a negative impact on employees and the organisation's reputation.

What we offer

We work with organisations to clarify, assess and develop their coaching culture and capability. This service is delivered in three key stages.

  1. Purpose and practices
    Many organisations are starting to realize that they have implemented coaching in a haphazard way. We work with organisations to envision a coaching culture that will result in tangible individual and organizational transformation. Our first step is to enable the organisation to clarify where they are on the journey toward creating a coaching culture. We work with the HR/OD and the Executive Team to agree the purpose and high level objectives of coaching and coaching culture.

  2. Assessment
    Our assessment tools evaluate the level of satisfaction with coaching, the organisational benefit and how this compares to the expected benefits. We review the processes to integrate internal and external provision and measure the supervision and support provided to coaches.

  3. Planning
    With the coaching purpose and objectives clear and the assessment of current practices completed, we work with you to formulate a plan that will enable you to create the coaching culture and practices that accelerates individual and organizational transformation.

The benefits

By reviewing coaching strategy and practices, you will be able to take control the costs of coaching whilst ensuring that you have the direction and capability necessary to achieve sustainable advantage of a coaching culture. With an effective coaching culture, you’ll develop more of the individual capability that fuels organizational excellence and high performance.



Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Coaching Sites

Centre for Supervision and Team Development 
Coaching at Work 
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