Coaching Challenges for 2009

Coaching has blossomed in booming times. With the economic downturn, will it continue to bloom? Gil Schwenk offers his predictions for what 2009 will hold for coaching.

The main focus for organisations will be on ensuring that coaching offers value for money in difficult financial times. This will include integrating managers as coach, internal coaches with external coaching providers to ensure that organisations reap the most reward from their investment.

Alongside demanding value for money, organisations will also concentrate on building a coaching strategy. They are looking at which resources will be the most appropriate to deliver different needs. Bath Consultancy Group is currently working with a Global FMCG as well as a Central Government Department to develop their coaching strategy for the organisation as a whole.

The third priority will be to provide for appropriate support for internal coaches during challenging times. It is very easy during economic turbulence for the investment made in internal coaching to go out of the window as organisations concentrate on redundancies etc. Internal coaches are a huge resource that can add immense value during a downturn. The challenge is to keep the focus and optimise investment that has been made.  They need support to be able to do this.

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Listed below are some of our documents, case studies and links related to this area. We hope you find them useful.

Useful Coaching Sites

Centre for Supervision and Team Development 
Coaching at Work 
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