John Cullum

Non-Executive Director

After graduating with an MA Honours degree from St Andrews University, John spent 14 years working for Ford Motor Company. Principally employed within various finance divisions, his career with Ford included a two year assignment in Detroit and serving as Director of Finance with Ford Motor Credit Company.

He moved to Wiltshire in 1982 to join PHH Europe where he progressed to become Chief Executive of this £2 billion turnover vehicle management services company. He helped steer the ultimate sale of the company’s European operations for over $850 million to BNP Paribas in 2002.

John took early retirement in 2003 to serve in various Non-Executive Director roles in the private and public sector. These currently include in the private sector, the Chair of JBP Public Relations Ltd, Chair of Premier Watercoolers Ltd, Chair of RealTime Risk Assessment Ltd, and serving on the boards of Bath Consultancy Group, and his son, Jamie Cullum’s music business. In the public sector he currently chairs the New Swindon (Urban Regeneration) Company and serves as Vice- Chair of the Wiltshire Local Strategic Partnership.

John is Chairman of the Royal United Hospital Bath’s Forever Friends Appeal; serves on the Bath & North East Somerset Committee of Quartet (the Community Foundation charity) ,and is a regional council member (and past chair) of the CBI South West Region. His interests include music, various sports, theatre and a vintage wireless collection.


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