Principal Consultant
Sue specialises in leadership and ‘whole systems' development in the public services. She has a passionate interest in making better connections between public policy, the leadership, strategy and culture of organisations and real improvements in peoples' experiences.
Sue really enjoys working with Boards and top teams to get to grips with the tough change agendas faced by organisations today, and relishes involving stakeholders, customers and services users in the mix.
Recent examples of her work include:
- Designing and running a cross sector ‘leadership inquiry' for Welsh public service leaders engaged in whole system change, centred on a study tour in Denmark
- Supporting an Executive Team in implementing a wide ranging culture and organisation change project, with whole team development and 1-1 coaching
- Facilitating a Board managing a transition and preparing for a merger
- Designing and running positive action leadership programmes for women, to improve their participation at the most senior levels in their organisations
- Working with a Local Authority to introduce an organisation-wide ‘coaching for performance' culture.
Her current clients include; Welsh Assembly Government, Defence Science and Technical Labs, Defence Procurement Agency, VSO and a number of NHS organisations and Local Authorities in partnership projects.
Sue's clients describe her as warm, lively, engaging, insightful and direct, and she is highly skilled in using large and small group processes, team development, coaching and mentoring approaches. A Visiting Research Fellow at the Revans Institute for Action Learning and Research from 1999 - 2004, Sue's research interests are in leading and learning in partnerships and she has written a number of pieces on this subject, notably, ‘Leading Change - a guide to whole systems working', with Mike Pedler, Margaret Attwood and Dave Wilkinson, published by The Policy Press (2003), and ‘Supporting inter-organisational partnerships in the public sector:', with Pete Mann and Kirstein Rummery in Public Management Review (2004).
She also sits on the Editorial Board of Action Learning: research & practice, an international Taylor and Francis journal and is on the committee for the 2008 International Action Learning Conference at Henley.
When she is not consulting, Sue is Chair of Monmouthshire Local Health Board, which gives her a grounding appreciation of the leadership challenges in bringing about improved outcomes for service users, customers and clients.