Leading for Optimum Performance and Well-Being

Today’s lifestyle involves significant risks to personal health and organisational performance where long hours, high stress, limited time for relaxation or exercise, damaging eating and drinking habits and frequent periods away from home are commonplace.  Leaders are increasingly conscious of poor management practices and anxious to avoid potentially costly and high profile court cases.

High on the corporate agenda remains the need to engage talent and be seen as an attractive and socially responsible employer in a highly competitive market for skills, as well as the commercial need to reduce sickness absence often attributed to stress and anxiety at work.

The focus of this work is on keeping pressure positive and creating climates where innovation and high performance are more likely to thrive.  Fit and healthy executives feel better about themselves, are more astute and energetic and better able to attend to key relationships including clients, other stakeholders and direct reports in order to contribute to their organisation’s performance.

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