Kirsty Leishman

UK Associate

Kirsty is a leading performance coach in Scotland with a background in education, consultancy and coaching. She co-established the first Scotland office for the Change Partnership, coaching clients from within legal, banking, retail and marketing. She is a member of faculty of the School of Coaching with whom she runs in-house client programmes in Scotland and beyond.

Kirsty coaches executive and emerging leaders in the oil and gas industry, banking and the public sector. She is a coaching supervisor, and as a facilitator leads public service joint working projects with leaders from core agencies.

Recent Examples

Consultancy & Coaching -

  • A project leadership team from start up to execution of a multi-billion dollar oil-field in a developing country

  • A high potential leadership group selected for in-house development and assessment

  • Women executives within a global and off shore food services business

  • Design and facilitation of development programme for multi-agency child protection leadership committee.

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