Jackie Draper

UK Associate

Jackie's background has been as a senior manager in the public sector and an occupational advisory service. She brings a combination of operational service experience, policy background, social commitment and values. As a consultant she has many years experience working in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors and believes that this spread of experience enhances her effectiveness.

Her expertise lies in the fields of culture change, organisation development, equality and diversity, coaching and leadership development. Her clients have come from financial services, telecommunications, Local Authorities, Civil Service and the NHS. Jackie has worked at the Open University Business School and Roffey Park Management Institute as a tutor on their Sussex University accredited MBA programme as well as their strategic leadership and personal effectiveness and power programmes.

Jackie is qualified in the use of psychometrics and believes that combining this with her experience of organisation change processes and an understanding of differing work cultures has led to her success in enabling individuals to act powerfully in their specific work contexts. Her focus is to design learning initiatives that take an appreciative perspective and lead to sustainable change at the business, team and personal levels.

Clients include: I&DeA, a major investment bank, National Housing Federation, London Development Agency, BBC, nearly every London Local Authority,  Kings Hospital, British Red Cross, Sedgwick, Financial Services Authority, Turning Point, Childline, Norwich Union, Cable and Wireless, DTZ, Prudential, Centrepoint, DfES, Ofcom, Women's National  Commission, UKPS, Shell UK & BUPA.

Recent projects include:

  • Leading an organisation change initiative in a growing architectural practice to develop Associates for promotion to partnership.
  • Developing workshops for management teams and partnership boards in a Local Authority Community Services Directorate
  • Working for an international telecommunications company to develop high potential managers for working internationally, designed and facilitated a major management development programme.
  • Designed and led a diversity programme for minority ethnic Local Authority managers to progress to senior management. .
  • Providing executive coaching on an individual basis for public sector and financial services clients.
  • Working with a new senior management team in an engineering company operating in a highly bureaucratic way
  • Working with the senior management team and Board of a Housing Company, to grow and re-align the business.
  • Working with a team of consultants to deliver a diversity programme to senior managers of a government agency

Recent Professional Development:

Post graduate Diploma in Action research (Bath University), Solution Focused Coaching, MBTI step II accreditation, 1 day organisational workshop on the systems thinking of Barry Oshry.

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