Kees de Groot

Kees de Groot has been an Associate of Bath Consultancy group for two years and was a lead member of the Bath Consultancy Group team on ABN Amro.

He is a consultant and partner of Esser & De Groot management consultants. He has consultancy experience on the area of mergers, Human Resource Management, and change management.

His areas of work as a trainer include: leadership, negotiation, consultancy, acquisition, and business-coaching. He has also undertaken some interim-management assignments.

His trainer's experience (management consultancy and HRM) includes:

  • "Insight into organisation" course management consultancy for staff managers Philips' plants.
  • "Anatomy of the organisation of work" for the Dutch professional association NVP.
  • "Management consultancy" unit for the Postgraduate Course Personnel Management, De Baak.
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