Torsten Weber


Torsten Weber has been an associate of Bath Consultancy Group for two years. He is founder of the think tank "Bridging People and Ideas" and senior consultant with HLP Hirzel Leder & Partner in Frankfurt. His work combines the virtues of strategic management with those of process consultancy. 

Currently, he consults the Commission of the African Union (a supranational body with 53 member countries) in its transformation process. Also, he advises large private corporations in strategy implementation and state ministries in large-scale training and education projects.

Torsten holds a Master degree in finance and marketing (Diplom-Kaufmann) from the Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Management with research semesters in Boston, Brussels, and Washington, D.C. He has served Lufthansa German Airlines in various positions, including strategy development and the management of a global change management project, and was board member for HR and product development of a medium-sized e-commerce company. Consultancy assignments brought him to the telecommunications, retail commerce and chemical industries as well as to large financial service companies such as Postbank (Germany), Bank Hapoalim (Israel), Gerling Insurance (Germany).

Torsten regularly lectures at business schools on strategic management/ communication and top management team effectiveness. His research focuses on strategic leadership.

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