Ilaria Vilkelis

Switzerland & UK

With more than 20 years of international exposure, Ilaria blends her broad multi-cultural experience of living and working in Italy, UK, Switzerland, France, and the US with the warmth, playfulness and zest for life of her native Italy. Now based in Geneva and London, she works internationally with both individuals and groups in English, French and Italian, helping individuals and teams collaborating beyond cultures and thriving on diversity.

She coaches in selected programs at IMD Business School where she has worked with hundreds of executives from all over the world. She extensively collaborates with Prof. George Kohlrieser and is currently involved in coordinating the coaching team for a major IMD program. Recent working experience includes work for Cargill, UBS, Banco Santander, Adecco, Novartis, UPM Kymmene, ESB and many other organisations.

She is passionate about helping executives and decision makers in developing effective interpersonal communication strategies and becoming especially proficient at carrying high-stakes conversations with effortless elegance. A certified NLP Coach, trained in a broad variety of coaching processes, Ilaria coaches professionals who strive to see the “bigger picture” and aim at understanding the organisation's systems.

A passionate Toastmaster and public speaker, in 2008 she co-chaired the European Conference of the International Coach Federation, of which she is a member and a credentialed coach. A Law Graduate, Ilaria holds an MBA from Bocconi University in Milan (Italy) and she is a Certified Trainer and Consultant from NLP University, Santa Cruz, CA (USA). She also holds a certification in the Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB profile) - a very effective process aimed at revealing how individuals and teams get motivated, how they process information and how they make decisions.  

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